World Elder Abuse Awareness Day
Across the world people are preparing for World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (WEAAD) on Friday 15 June.
Posted on 31 May 2018
Partners in Derbyshire are coming together to send out a clear message - There’s no excuse for elder abuse.
Visit us in New Market Square, Chesterfield, from 10am to 3pm on Friday 15 June, to find out what advice and support is available for older people in Derbyshire. There will be lots of leaflets and information available, with free refreshments.
The event is supported by Derbyshire County Council Adult Care, P3 Charity, Derbyshire Police, Derbyshire Voluntary Action, Alzheimer’s Society, Chesterfield Borough Council, Citizens Advice Bureau, Community Safety, Derbyshire Scam Watch and Trading Standards.
Show your support for World Elder Abuse Awareness Day by wearing something purple on 15 June 2018.