Safeguarding vulnerable people in partnership with the transport sector
The Transport Standards Group has developed a safeguarding training module for drivers and passenger assistants working within the transport sector.
There is a requirement for local councils to have 'due regard' when exercising taxi and private hire vehicle (PHV) functions. Derbyshire County Council has worked with the district and borough councils to develop a training presentation for training drivers and passenger assistants.
Completion of safeguarding training is recorded on council systems and for some local licensing authorities this will be part of the approval requirements.
If you are in the transport sector and want to book onto a session of this training you will need to speak to the licensing department in your local district or borough council.
Refresher training is also required on a three yearly basis, to ensure your knowledge is maintained.
The materials used in the training are shown in the useful documents section, however, the full session includes discussion and activities.
You can also download a copy of the Good safeguarding practice for passenger transport operators from the useful documents section.
Watch a film from Barnardo’s about how workers in the night time economy can tackle child sexual exploitation.